Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Treeman: Russian Man Has Tumour...errrr...Tree Removed From Lung

Artyom Sidorkin, a 28 year old Russian man, has surgery to remove...a spruce tree? Is this humanly possibly? Really? A 5cm fir tree grows in a man's lung in Russia. He was complaing of chest pain and coughing up blood. Doctors initially believed it was a tumor and decided to operate. When they cut him open they found the tree inside his body. The explanation given is that he most likely swallowed or inhaled a seed.

Oh really? Or did he swallow this 5cm fir tree on a dare? A little vodka, walk in the forest with some friends, a small possibly swallowable tree branch, laughter during the attempt to swallow this little fir tree, and down the wrong hole into the lung. Possibly...then again, you never thought you could grow a tree in your lung did you?

I dare someone to try swallowing a hemp seed...

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