Friday, March 20, 2009

Brilliantly Uncomfortable - Home < 30 Square Feet

Japanese architect Jo Nagasaka and the Schemata Architecture Office have come up with a home design that rethinks just how much space one person needs. 6,000 square feet? 600? Well, try 30 square feet.

The Paco home has a hammock to sleep on, a Japanese-style recessed desk, and a sink, toilet and shower all in a crate that's a 3-meter-cube. It's not intended to replace where you live now, but rather to supplement it. It could be a beach house, a portable office — anything, really, as long as you find a way to lug it into place and hook up the water. Trying to open that hatch-like roof to get in doesn't look like the most comfortable solution, either, though maybe that's a doggy door on the side.

Still, toss some posters on the wall, maybe put a rug down, and you've got yourself a happy little home. Check out the gallery below for more of the Paco house. [source: here]

This is brilliantly uncomfortable.  Great use of space but will anyone really be able to live in such a space? I heard living space in Japan is tiny but 30 square feet? The big lie of course is it doesn't have a bed, furnishings, clothing, shoes, computer, tv, side tables and everything else that makes a home a home. Brilliantly non the less.

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