Friday, March 27, 2009

B-Boy Joker / Iron Man v Bruce Lee and more - Monsieur Monsieur Boivin

Patrick Boivin. First, I came across the Iron Man vs Bruce Lee which was pretty gouda. Then I found an older work by Monsieur Monsieur Boivin. It's B-Boy Joker and it's freakin supreme. It was a video game concept turned on it's head and when I first watch I didnt realize that I actually had to click the screen. Sick concept. Like choose-your-own-adventure book turned into a video/game. I have conveniently put all the videos in order for those who are not good at memory games. Just click one right after the other, don't click the screen. I chose Joker. Mind blastin!

Here's from his YouTube page:
I'm Patrick Boivin. A French Canadian autodidact director. For most of what you can see on my channel, I did the script, the light, the camera, the directing, the editing, the animation and the special effects... For some of them, I also made the sound and the music.

I started by drawing comic books 15 years ago, and quickly discovered that it was faster to tell a story with video. Then I gradually became a moviemaker...
Here are some other gouda vids from his YouTube page.

Iron Man vs Bruce Lee

Bumblebee Boy

Evolution Of Dance w/ Optimus Prime

Mandalorian Dance (Star Wars Flashdance)

Related Website:

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